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Midnight Sun Ebook Pdf Free Download

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TRADITIO Network's Web Site Map - The TRADITIO Fathers at Rome and Worldwide

  1. Ask the Fathers
  2. Booksales
  3. Confraternity of Saint Michael
  5. Fr. Denis Fahey Archive (provided by the Fr. Denis Fahey Project)
  6. Gregorian Chant (provided by the St. John Schola for Gregorian Chant)
  7. Holy Cards, California Missions & Stations of the Cross
    Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America

    (Provided by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses)
  10. Novus Ordo Service Photo Gallery
  11. Papal Photo Gallery
  12. Prayers for the Living and Deceased, including a Necrology of Traditional Catholic Priests
  13. Special Features (Articles, Reviews, Sermons, Other)
  14. Traditional Catholic Priests Wanted and Available
  15. Traditional Latin Mass, Divine Office & Sacraments
  16. Traditional Liturgical Calendar

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What's New on the TRADITIO Network?

  • Investigate New Items on the Site

    • Advent & Christmas: A Time to Help - 11/28/21

      The TRADITIO Network has been furnishing information about all facets of traditional Roman Catholicism, answering questions both privately and publicly, since 1994, longer than any other traditional site on the Internet. When we started, even the Vatican web site didn't exist! We wish that we could show you all of the personal messages we have received from troubled souls who have found here clear, traditional, and honest answers to their questions, free of organizational bias. Thousands of these have reverted or converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith as a result. Our work has always been done free of charge, but at this time of year, we like to remind you, particularly if you have benefited personally from the TRADITIO Network, to remember in your charity to make a donation to TRADITIO among your charitable works this time of year. See the Make a Donation to the TRADITIO Network's Apostolate section below.
    • TRADITIO's Traditional Liturgical Calendar for 2022 - 11/28/21

      The liturgical calendar for the fully Traditional Roman Rite (1950), following the Rubrics of Pope Pius X for the Universal Calendar of the Church, have been updated for all twelve months of 2022 by our Traditional Catholic volunteer, who kindly provides this service for the TRADITIO Network's readers. This calendar is one of TRADITIO's most popular features, as the fully Traditional Catholic calendar is not available elsewhere on the internet. For further information, click on the Traditional Liturgical Calendar department.
    • Solemn Matins and Midnight High Mass of Christmas - 11/28/21

      In the darkness of Christmas Eve, December 24, is traditionally chanted the traditional Hour of Matins of the Divine Office for the Nativity of Our Lord, consisting of ancient antiphons, hymns, psalms, and the ancient commentaries of the Church Fathers on the significance of the Nativity. For example, in the Third Nocturn, Holy Mother Church provides us with the commentary of Pope St. Gregory the Great on the census proclamation of the Roman emperor that brought the Holy Family to Bethlehem, the commentary of St. Ambrose on the significance of the shepherds, and the commentary of St. Augustine on the Incarnation of the Word. Following Matins is traditionally held the procession to the creche and the High Mass of Christmas at Midnight (In Nocte), the First Mass of Christmas.
      It is most unfortunate that many traditional Catholics do not have access to the Midnight High Mass, let alone the Solemn Matins of Christmas Eve, which precedes it and prepares for it. Fortunately, the St. John Schola has made available to the traditional Catholic faithful these significant rites on two CDs. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department for Volume I and Volume II of that Gregorian schola's recordings of Christmas Matins and Christmas High Mass. For traditional Catholics who do not have the opportunity to attend these singular rites in person, at least they may participate in them spiritually through these recordings. These rites are an essential part of the traditional Catholic Faith.
    • All You Ever Wanted to Know about Advent and Christmas - 11/28/21

      At this time of year the TRADITIO Network gets a number of questions about the religious significance of such topics as:
      1. Advent: Candles
      2. Advent: Great "O" Antiphons
      3. Christmas: Carols
      4. Christmas: Date
      5. Christmas: Santa Claus
      6. Christmas: Star
      7. Christmas: Trees
      8. Christmas: The Term "Xmas"
      For further information, see the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files for FAQ11: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Practices?
    • Latin Christmas Carols - 11/28/21

      The Latin text for seventeen common Christmas carols is given in this file. Included is Silens Nox, a Latin version of what has been translated into English as Silent Night. A recent manuscript discovery proved that a Catholic priest, Joseph Mohr (1792-1848), not Franz Gruber, whose name is often incorrectly listed as the composer, was the real author of what the English-speaking world knows, through its translation by John Young (1820-1885), as Silent Night. The o riginal manuscript is dated 1816 and is the only one existing which bears Fr. Mohr's handwriting. Discovered in 1995, it led to a complete reinterpretation of the carol's origin. For further information, click on LATCAROL: Latin Christmas Carols in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).
    • Liturgical Calendar and Ordo Recommendations - 11/28/21

      Around this time of year people look for a printed traditional Catholic calendar and ordo for the next year. The calendar and ordo that the TRADITIO Fathers recommend are both based upon the most traditional form of the Roman Rite, before the untraditional "modernizations" of 1951, 1956, 1960, and 1962. They are the ones that correspond to the fully traditional version of the Missale Romanum and the Breviarium Romanum. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Publications produces the best and most complete full-color calendar, both in the calendar's daily boxes and in the religious art that accompanies each month. It contains full information about all feasts, commemorations, votive Masses, fasts and abstinence, ember days, and more. In the back matter there is excellently-summarized information about indulgences, fast and abstinence, and other practical matters. The St. Lawrence Press produces the best and most complete annual ordo available, the Ordo Recitandi Officii Divini Sacrique Peragendi [Order of Reciting the Divine Office and Carrying Out the Sacred Rite], entirely in Latin and in the traditional form. It contains detailed information about the Mass and Divine Office that priests and the most advanced laypeople use, much more complete in its detail than any calendar can give. Additional pages give the rubrics for Solemn Votive Masses, Conventual Masses and Private Votive Masses, and the text for the movable feasts sung on Epiphany. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Traditional Liturgical Calendar department.
    • Remembering Your Holy Souls in Purgatory during November - 10/22/21

      The Church has taught from Apostolic times that we here on earth have a responsibility as members of the Communion of Saints to help the Holy Souls in Purgatory to hasten their admission to Heaven. You may use the Make a Donation button below to designate the names of your faithful departed and offer your stipend for our November Masses for the Holy Souls.
  • Read Today's Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers

    Where every day the Fathers provide unique, provocative, often bitingly satirical commentary (after the Roman satirist Juvenal, St. Thomas More, and other Saints of the Church) from half a century's personal observation of the Church both pre- and post-Vatican II, on current events in the Catholic Church from the traditional perspective.
  • Obtain the CURRENT MONTHLY REVISED EDITION of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America
    Provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses

    Directory Front Cover Those who have paid the $10 Annual Use Fee for the current year's eBook Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America may update their copies to the CURRENT MONTHLY REVISED EDITION. We urge TRADITIO Network readers to buy and have on hand the current monthly revised edition of the Directory because we frequently refer our readers to it for traditional Mass locations and traditional resources, as well as the answers to many questions.
    This more than 200-page E-book, issued in paperback since 1994 and as an eBook since 2006 in the universal and free Adobe Acrobat PDF format, includes the only complete list, by sponsoring organization, of the approximately 800 Traditional Catholic Latin Masses in the pre-Vatican II Roman Rite, regularly and publicly celebrated in North America, as well as contacts for Mass sites outside North America. It also includes a list of traditional Catholic periodicals, suppliers, organizations, seminaries, religious orders, lay societies, retreats, schooling, and a necrology of traditional Catholic priests.
    For further information, click on the Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses.
    Those who have paid the Annual Use Fee to download the previous year's Original Edition and Monthly Revised Editions must pay the Annual Use Fee for the current year, if they wish to use the current year's Original Edition and Monthly Revised Editions.
  • Pray Today's Traditional Divine Office

    The most important prayer that the Church offers to Almighty God after the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in the fully traditional Catholic rite (1950).
  • See Today's Traditional Liturgical Calendar

    Where the Saint, rank, and color of the day are listed, together with any fast and abstinence applicable in the fully traditional Catholic rite (1950).
  • Listen to Gregorian Chant Provided to the TRADITIO Network by the St. John Schola for Gregorian Chant

    For Gregorian chant recorded live, we recommend the St. John Schola series: A Traditional Chapel Sings Gregorian Chant:

    Volume I: Christmas Matins of the Divine Office-An Abridgement (December 2006)
    Volume II: First Mass of Christmas (December 2006)
    Volume III: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (January 2007)
    Volume IV: Pentecost (May 2007)
    Volumes I-IV: Box Collection (May 2007)
    Volume V: 14th Sunday after Pentecost (September 2007)
    Volume VI: 4th Sunday after Easter (February 2008)
    Volume VII: Basilica of Sts. Peter & Paul (January 2009)
    Volume VIII: Cantus Populares-Popular Chants (December 2009)
    Volumes V-VIII: Box Collection (December 2009)
    Volume IX: Holy Week and Easter (February 2011)
    Volume X: Feast of the Precious Blood (November 2012)

    St. John Schola Volume I St. John Schola Volume II St. John Schola Volume III St. John Schola Volume IV St. John Schola Box Set 1-4 St. John Schola Volume V
    St. John Schola Volume VI St. John Schola Volume VII St. John Schola Volume VIII St. John Schola Box Set 5-8 St. John Schola Volume IX St. John Schola Volume XX

    In addition to its series, the St. John Schola has provided to the TRADITIO Network chant clips with supporting music sheets and booklets, which can be downloaded free of charge. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department.
  • Review the Booksales

    Where the TRADITIO Network continuously offers for sale traditional Catholic books and compact discs that are typically hard to find. Advance notice of this sale is sent to those on our booksale E-mail list. If you would like advance notification of booksale announcements, simply E-mail your name and E-mail address to TRADITIO.
  • Make a Donation to the TRADITIO Network's Apostolate

    If you wish to support the TRADITIO Network's Apostolate, click on the box to the left to make a donation easily, securely, and confidentially by bank account or credit card through PayPal. Note in the PayPal message field: "Donation to the TRADITIO Network." Regular contributors become Benefactors of the TRADITIO Network, and their intentions are specially commemorated at Traditional Latin Masses offered. Using PayPal reduces our administrative burden considerably, but if need to use a paper check, click on FAQ01: How Can I Help the TRADITIO Network's Apostolate?

  • Use the TRADITIO Network's Search Engine to Find Topics of Interest on the TRADITIO Network

About Us

Catholic Riverside
The TRADITIO Network was selected by Catholic Riverside as the Traditional Catholic Web Site of the Year for best "representing traditional Catholicism and displaying a great love for Jesus Christ."
The TRADITIO Network was designated by the French traditional Catholic organization as "the English-speaking world's strongest site for Tradition."
*The TRADITIO Network was determined by a statistical survey to be the most popular and longest-existing traditional Roman Catholic web site on the internet.
Britannica Award
The TRADITIO Network was selected by the Editors of the Encyclopædia Britannica as "one of the best on the internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation, and usability."
Catholic Award
The TRADITIO Network was selected to receive the Catholic Award as "a quality Catholic Web site and for outstanding efforts made in propagating the Catholic Faith." The criteria were Catholic content, overall quality, navigability, and design appeal.
Mary Award
The TRADITIO Network was selected to receive the Mary Award from Holland as "a quality Catholic Web site of great Catholic thought that contains a great love for the Blessed Virgin Mary."

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